Considering Solo
Hello and welcome to my blog, this is actually my second attempt to get this blog off the ground. I started with a post six month ago. I have now made commitment to spend at least ten minutes 5 times a week typing out my thoughts as I make the move to solo law (I have pretty much committed myself to make this move but I suppose until I actually do it there is always the possibility of backing out). I am a bundle of insecurities about this move but also very much excited about it.
Here is what I wrote (but never published back in June):
Its funny to read those words now, was I really thinking of doing this by year end 2005? Anyway, my plan now is to make the move March 1 More later (my 10 minutes is up!)
I am thinking about taking the plunge and going into business for myself as a solo lawyer. This is not something I plan on doing for a few months, perhaps not until the end of the year but I thought I would use this blog (assuming I can keep it up) as a sounding board, as a way to think out loud, keep me honest and explore my hopes, fears, expectations about pursuing this career path. In subsequent posts, I'll cover the what, why, when, how, of this thought process.
To any stray surfer who finds this corner of the web, please feel free to comment, critique or offer any insights you have on what I am thinking.
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