Project Solo

Thinking outloud about my pending jump into the world of practicing law as a solo practitioner

Friday, May 19, 2006

A week in the life

Lots of thoughts go through my mind as I sit here in my office at the end of another week late in the day on a Friday. Here is what my week looked like, yes I will bore you with all the mundane details of life as a part-time solo:

Monday – work at my old non-law job; these are long 10 hour days with another 1.5 to 2.0 hours tacked on for the commute. I am getting paid by the hour which is why I tend to stay as long as I can. I have also been in this sleep pattern for some time wehre I do not sleep well on Sunday nights, which makes me tired on Monday. After the kids are down, I watch 24 and then go to sleep. (For all you 24 fans out there, can’t wait to see Jack confront the president on Monday!).

Tuesday – I went to an CLE seminar on Trusts in the morning. It was pretty good, although perhaps a little advanced for where I am. I was glad I did it, there is something to be said for just getting out into the legal community. By taking the seminar I was eligible for a 30% discount from their books store. There are probably 10 different titles in the area of estate planning and elder care each costing about $150 to $200. There is lots of overlap so I wasn’t sure what to buy. I then headed over to the secretary of state’s office and took the notary public oath and paid the modest fee (its just amazing, all these things just take time, time). I am now officially a notary (my seal arrives next week). I then spent a dark rainy afternoon at the primary city law library reviewing in more detail the 10 different titles I mentioned above to figure out which ones I wanted to buy. The good news is that the quality of the books seems quite high. I made a list of the three I wanted to buy but it was too late to go back to the bookstore to buy them. Home, dinner, sleep.

Wednesday – another long day at the old job, home, tired, head cold coming on, and to bed (after watching Lost . . yes I have my short list of television shows that I like to watch).

Thursday – I met a former colleague for coffee. I guess you could call this a networking breakfast . . but not really. He started his own investment management business with another friend (2 people working out of their respective homes). He is a potential source of businesses, but it was really good just to talk to someone else that has gone out on his own to develop a business (he is 4 years into it). One common theme, is just how long it takes to get everything set up when you are the only one doing it. I then headed over to my law office (first time there in a week); head cold coming on strong. I spent most of the day working on content and layout for my second web site which will be for estate planning and elder care (I have already engaged my old web designer for this project and the site is coming along nicely). I also worked on a revised template for my blog, I have another designer on this project (I’ll have to do a post just on my whole web marketing and blogging approach). I am sounding like a broken record but this whole web site marketing thing takes forever. Home, dinner, started wathching the Showtime series Huff before our DVD player froze up, to bed, sick sore throat.

Friday – Another day in the office, still battling the head cold. Most of the day devoted to writing content for my estate planning web site. My blog template is almost complete (99% there) and the home page for my estate planning web site is 99% finalized. I took a long lunch break and went back to the CLE book store and purchased my books (3 books, a total of 6 volumes) for $350 after discounts. I am hoping the outflow of start-up type expenses is coming to an end. My head cold is dying. Now I am late to soccer practice.

More later.


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