Project Solo

Thinking outloud about my pending jump into the world of practicing law as a solo practitioner

Friday, April 28, 2006

Microsoft Outlook . . sucks!

I am exhausted. I have spent the better part of the past two days trying to get Microsoft Outlook to work with my personal mail account and my new solo law account. I want to get it so that my law email account is in the form of . . name@[mypracitcedomain].com. Outlook is so bloated and such a mess. I made repeated tries, searching help files on the web etc. It is still not working exactly right but at least I can send and receive email. The main problem was trying to figure out the best way to keep personal and work accounts separate. If I hadn’t invested this much time in it I might be tempted to give Thunderbird a try.


At 7:43 AM, Blogger projectsolo said...

Thunderbird is the free open source email client built by the same general effort that designed FireFox. Lots of people seem to like it, I am sticking with the Outlook for now.

Here is a link:

Also, if you are not using Firefox as your browser you should really change iti is much better than IE.


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